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GCH CH Markados Pordios Tender Night BCAT, PT, RATS, CRZ8S

Alenclaud Marley x Mistycor Zincky Charity Markados Pordios

Night came to us from a wonderful breeder in Russia.  She is full of life and has more personality than any Pembroke I have owned.


She started her show career with a major her first weekend out and then very quickly picked up 2 more majors and 2 singles for her AKC championship all from the 12-18 mo class.  Her grand championship was just as quick.  We have been running in FastCat with her quickly achieving her BCAT title and working towards her DCAT.  

We started BarnHunt in January 2023 and by March Night had gotten her "Senior" title.  We are now working on her "Master" title and Crazy 8s.  We will also continue our herding as Night is a dog that just excels at everything we've tried.


Night is DM/vWD "carrier," eye cerf'd "normal," and DNAd "fluff free."  She is OFAd "good."

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