Recent news
Updated: 30 October 2024
Plans did not go as planned but we may have a co-bred litter available spring of 2025. I will take names for the waitlist but know that puppies cannot leave for their new homes till they are at least 10 weeks old. The contract will not be the same as what I have below but pretty similar. Please check our "Available" page for older puppies or retired show dogs we have available or from other responsible breeders.
Puppies are placed based on temperament and the family's lifestyle not by color. There will not be any fluffies available in these litters as the sires and/or dams do not carry the fluffy gene.
When inquiring about puppies, please include information about yourself and your family in your email. We do not respond to emails that ask for price and provide no introduction of yourself and/or family. Please see below for information on how we place puppies.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Information
1)Those who want to be "guaranteed" a puppy on a current or upcoming litter must not have a preference on coat length, sex or color. "Pick of the litter" is usually reserved to Hoedwig Kennels and/or to the stud dog owner. Many times second pick is reserved for the stud dog owner or those interested in conformation and/or performance events.
2) Puppies are sold on limited AKC registration unless going to a conformation or strong performance home (i.e those wishing to achieve AKC, CKC or AHBA titles in herding, agility, obedience, etc.). I do not sell for breeding purposes only.
3) Puppies start at $2500. I do not discriminate in price between a fluffy vs a normal coated puppy, coat color or male vs female. You are buying a puppy from a breeder who puts emphasis on having health clearances on both sire and dam; where temperament is always kept in mind; and that were raised in a loving home and not in a kennel environment. There is a lot of time and emotion put into every litter.
4 )Puppies can leave for their new homes no sooner than 10 weeks of age. They will have received one, if not two, puppy vaccines and several wormings. They will have been seen by my vet for a wellness exam after they are 8 weeks old. These puppies are raised in a home environment where they will be socialized around other animals and children.
5) Copies of the parents' clearances are included in each puppy pack. We do eye cerf's for hereditary eye defects and OFA/PENNHIP for hip dysplasia for any dog we plan on breeding. We also DNA test for vonWillebrand's Disease. OFA information is available at We do test for DM but our breeding decisions are not made based on DM alone. We strongly feel there needs to be more research put into DNA testing so that results define who is "affected" from "at risk" as those two things mean two different things. Please see the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America's view through the link here for more information on DM in the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
6) Puppies are registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and eligible for registration with the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC). In most cases, AKC registration will not be transferred until proof of spay or neuter. As our dogs are bred per the AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgi standard, we do not leave the tails on. Please do not ask to have a tail left on. The only exception is if the puppy is not healthy enough to have its tail banded by 72 hours of age.
7) I will not ship if we have not met in person. This is non-negotiable.
8) All puppies are sold with a written sales contract/agreement in which everything is spelled out. Non-refundable deposits are taken when puppies can have visitors usually around 5 weeks of age; we have met in person; and we have discussed this contract.
9) There is a four year warranty against debilitating hereditary defects with every puppy. This must be determined by two vets, yours and one of my choosing. Details are in the sales contract.
10) Any puppy that needs to be re-homed for whatever reason is to be returned to its breeder.
Information on Fluffies:
Fluffies are Corgis with longer coats than what is allowed in the show ring. They are usually the cutest puppies in a Corgi litter with lots of personality. They make excellent pets and many are seen in performance venues such as obedience, tracking, agility or herding. Fluffies do require slightly more grooming than a Corgi with a shorter coat.